Synchronization of JavaScript Events

To bring all user and Ajax interaction under the control of a single, sequential process, the main thread of execution must wait for the execution of at least one JavaScript event handler.

Here is a simple program that illustrates the funnelling of all asynchronous JavaScript events into a single queue:

(load "mini-framework.scm")
(define (test)
  (with-handlers ((click-handler "#div1")
                  (click-handler "#div2")
                  (keydown-handler "#button1")
                  (keydown-handler "#button2")
                  (timeout-handler test-timeout 10000))
                 (display (get-input))
                 (display (get-input))
                 (display (get-input))
                 (display (get-input))
                 (display (get-input)))
  (display "Test finished."))
(reset (test))

The program is described at .

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