Scheme Interpreters in JavaScript

Some possibly good lists of Scheme interpreters in JavaScript:

  1. [the list of implementations in Wikipedia's entry for Scheme (programming language)](

  2. [Wikipedia's Category:Scheme (programming language) implementations](

Some interesting reads about Scheme interpreters in JavaScript:

Scheme Implementations for the browser

  1. Whalesong and its predecessor, Moby

  2. RacketScript

  3. jsScheme (not maintained)

  4. Biwascheme

  5. Gambit

  6. Gauche

  7. Chibi Scheme (tiny library to use as an extension & scripting language in C programs; works on Emscripten)

  8. Schism (compiler from Scheme to WebAssembly)

  9. a Scheme-to-Rust compiler built in Rust (with step-by-step implementation details by a first-time Schemer)

(Others to be added when I have time.)



  1. (used by swank-js and maybe useful to us in other ways)

Last updated